Festival Schedule

See Rejected Reels Live!

The Rejected Reels Film Festival will take place June 8, in Atlanta, GA.

12:30 pm: Edu-ma-cated, Narrative Shorts Block ~77 mins.

These short films all deal with people in school or learning a lesson.

  • 50/50, in Italian, with English subtitles
  • Three Times, in Portuguese with English subtitles
  • Torn
  • Lunch Meat
  • The Secret Lives of Teachers
  • Uber Prize Ride
Trailer for Uber Prize Ride

2:15 PM: Good Vs. Evil, Narrative Shorts Block ~75 mins.

From war- historical and current, to zombies and more these shorts all show the good guys attempting to overcome the bad guys.

  • Modellastry
  • White/Red
  • Sunshine
  • Black N Blue
  • Tapekreit
  • Are You Volleyball
  • A Bigger Gun
Trailer for Sunshine

4:15 pm Happy Heart, Narrative Feature Film with a Short

Love puts smiles on faces.

  • An Afternoon in the Park
  • Love Possibly
Trailer for Love Possibly

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